Waterlow score

The Waterlow score (or Waterlow scale) gives an estimated risk for the development of a pressure sore in a given patient. The tool was developed in 1985 by clinical nurse teacher Judy Waterlow. It is available both on a two-sided score card and on an app.

Scoring criteria

The following areas are assessed for each patient and assigned a point value.

  • Build/weight for height
  • Skin type/visual risk areas
  • Sex and age
  • Malnutrition Screening Tool
  • Continence
  • Mobility

Additional points in special risk categories are assigned to selected patients.

  • Tissue malnutrition
  • Neurological deficit
  • Major surgery or trauma

Potential scores range from 1 to 64.[1] A total Waterlow score ≥10 indicates risk for pressure ulcer. A high risk score is ≥15. A very high risk exists at scores ≥20. The reverse side of the Waterlow card lists examples of preventive aids and interventions.[2]


While packaged conveniently as a laminated card, the score has received criticism owing to its large number of scored items. This, combined with a lack of operational definitions, may reduce its reliability.[1]

See also


  1. ^ a b Waterlow Score - Tool Evaluation: Melbourne Health
  2. ^ "Waterlow Score Card". Retrieved July 10, 2012.