
Phùng (馮) family Vietnamese Five Colours Flag

Phung is a Vietnamese surname. The name is transliterated as Feng in Chinese and Pung in Korean. The word Phung without the accent is also a Chinese surname Péng (彭), usually found in Southeast Asia.

Phung is the anglicized variation of the surname Phùng.

Notable people with the surname Phùng

  • Phùng Hưng (?–789/91), Vietnamese chief and military leader
  • Phung Khac Khoan (1528–1613), Vietnamese military strategist, politician and diplomat
  • Phùng Quang Thanh (1949–2021), officer of the Vietnam People's Army
  • Phung Thi Chinh, Vietnamese noblewoman
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Phùng.
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