Nebula Awards Showcase 2008

Science fiction anthology
978-0-451-46188-9Preceded byNebula Awards Showcase 2007 Followed byNebula Awards Showcase 2009 

Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 is an anthology of award winning science fiction short works edited by Ben Bova. It was first published in trade paperback by Roc/New American Library in April 2008.[1]


The book collects pieces that won or were nominated for the 2007 Nebula Award for novel, novella, novelette and short story, a profile of 2007 Grand Master winner James Gunn and a representative early story by him, and the three Rhysling and Dwarf Stars Award-winning poems for 2006, together with various other nonfiction pieces and bibliographical material related to the awards and an introduction by the editor. The Best Novel winner is represented by an excerpt. Not all nominees for the various awards are included.


  • "Introduction" (Ben Bova)
  • "Echo" [Best Short Story winner, 2007] (Elizabeth Hand)
  • "Burn" [Best Novella winner, 2007] (James Patrick Kelly)
  • "The Books That Saved SFWA" [essay] (Bud Webster)
  • "Two Hearts" [Best Novelette winner, 2007] (Peter S. Beagle)
  • "Science Fiction Poetry" [essay] (Joe Haldeman)
  • "The Strip Search" [Rhysling Award for Short Poem winner, 2006] (Mike Allen)
  • "The Tin Men" [Rhysling Award for Long Poem winner, 2006] (Kendall Evans and David C. Kopaska-Merkel)
  • "Knowledge Of" [Dwarf Stars Award winner, 2006] (Ruth Berman)
  • "The State of Amazing, Astounding, Fantastic Fiction in the Twenty-First Century" [essay] (Orson Scott Card)
  • "The Woman in Schrödinger's Wave Equations" [Best Short Story nominee, 2007] (Eugene Mirabelli)
  • "James Gunn, Grand Master" [essay] (John Kessel)
  • "The Listeners" [novelette] (James Gunn)
  • "Howl's Moving Castle: Book to Film" [essay] (Diana Wynne Jones)
  • Seeker (excerpt) [Best Novel winner, 2007] (Jack McDevitt)
  • "I Have Seen the Future and It Ain't Got a Lot of Dead Trees In It" [essay] (Mike Resnick)
  • "The Andre Norton Award: Magic or Madness" [essay] (Justine Larbalestier)


Author John Walters, comparing the 2008 Showcase to that from 2011, was "immediately struck by the differences," with the former skimping on the stories that were nominated but did not win and devoting almost half the book to "other material," while the latter is "full of stories ... all the short story and novelette award nominees, and the winning novella." He prefers the latter approach, concluding that "[t]he Nebula Awards volumes should be for new nominated stories and a minimum of other essays and filler," and is "very thankful that the new publishers have gone back to concentrating on the nominated fiction." He discusses each of the newer, nominated and winning stories in turn. He finds Hand's story "pretty, poetic, but undistinguished ... a fine read, but lone survivor stories have been done many times before and I wasn't sure why this one stood out as the best story of the year." Kelly's story he deems a disparaging response to Henry David Thoreau's Walden that demonstrates the author "didn’t understand what Thoreau was trying to do," though he calls it "[a] fine story, well told as far as it goes, and if Kelly hadn't made the remarks he did at the beginning none of it would have bothered me." Beagle's story he calls "a classic fantasy tale, well told," noting that it is a sequel to the author's now-classic novel 'The Last Unicorn'. He finds Mirabelli's piece, "[t]he only nominated non-winner presented in the volume ... a well-told story; in fact, I liked it better than [Hand's] story that won the award, but it’s not science fiction. It’s a character study of a man studying physics and of his girlfriends." Walters then turns briefly to this "other material," declining to "comment on the essays other than to say that they were interesting but the space should have been filled with stories instead." He feels the winning novel excerpt "a waste of space too; this is where a short essay could have served a useful purpose, if the author could have briefly written about how he came to write the novel." James Gunn's grand master story he recalls "fondly from reading it years before" but notes it is "available in plenty of anthologies and didn’t need to be reprinted here."[2]

The anthology was also reviewed by Gary K. Wolfe in Locus no. 569, June 2008.[1]


  1. ^ a b Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 title listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  2. ^ Walters, John. "Book Review: Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 edited by Ben Bova," June 9, 2013.
  • v
  • t
  • e
  1. Nebula Award Stories 1965 (1966) (Damon Knight)
  2. Nebula Award Stories Two (1967) (Brian W. Aldiss, Harry Harrison)
  3. Nebula Award Stories 3 (1968) (Roger Zelazny)
  4. Nebula Award Stories 4 (1969) (Poul Anderson)
  5. Nebula Award Stories 5 (1970) (James Blish)
  6. Nebula Award Stories 6 (1971) (Clifford D. Simak)
  7. Nebula Award Stories 7 (1972) (Lloyd Biggle, Jr.)
  8. Nebula Award Stories Eight (1973) (Isaac Asimov)
  9. Nebula Award Stories 9 (1974) (Kate Wilhelm)
  10. Nebula Award Stories 10 (1975) (James E. Gunn)
  11. Nebula Award Stories 11 (1976) (Ursula K. Le Guin)
  12. Nebula Winners Twelve (1978) (Gordon R. Dickson)
  13. Nebula Winners Thirteen (1980) (Samuel R. Delany)
  14. Nebula Winners Fourteen (1980) (Frederik Pohl)
  15. Nebula Winners Fifteen (1981) (Frank Herbert)
  16. Nebula Award Stories Sixteen (1982) (Jerry Pournelle, John F. Carr)
  17. Nebula Award Stories Seventeen (1983) (Joe Haldeman)
  18. The Nebula Awards #18 (1983) (Robert Silverberg)
  19. The Nebula Awards #19 (1984) (Marta Randall)
  20. Nebula Awards 20 (1985) (George Zebrowski)
  21. Nebula Awards 21 (1986) (George Zebrowski)
  22. Nebula Awards 22 (1988) (George Zebrowski)
  23. Nebula Awards 23 (1989) (Michael Bishop)
  24. Nebula Awards 24 (1990) (Michael Bishop)
  25. Nebula Awards 25 (1991) (Michael Bishop)
  26. Nebula Awards 26 (1992) (James Morrow)
  27. Nebula Awards 27 (1993) (James Morrow)
  28. Nebula Awards 28 (1994) (James Morrow)
  29. Nebula Awards 29 (1995) (Pamela Sargent)
  30. Nebula Awards 30 (1996) (Pamela Sargent)
  31. Nebula Awards 31 (1997) (Pamela Sargent)
  32. Nebula Awards 32 (1998) (Jack Dann)
  33. Nebula Awards 33 (1999) (Connie Willis)
  34. Nebula Awards Showcase 2000 (2000) (Gregory Benford)
  35. Nebula Awards Showcase 2001 (2001) (Robert Silverberg)
  36. Nebula Awards Showcase 2002 (2002) (Kim Stanley Robinson)
  37. Nebula Awards Showcase 2003 (2003) (Nancy Kress)
  38. Nebula Awards Showcase 2004 (2004) (Vonda N. McIntyre)
  39. Nebula Awards Showcase 2005 (2005) (Jack Dann)
  40. Nebula Awards Showcase 2006 (2006) (Gardner Dozois)
  41. Nebula Awards Showcase 2007 (2007) (Mike Resnick)
  42. Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 (2008) (Ben Bova)
  43. Nebula Awards Showcase 2009 (2009) (Ellen Datlow)
  44. Nebula Awards Showcase 2010 (2010) (Bill Fawcett)
  45. The Nebula Awards Showcase 2011 (2011) (Kevin J. Anderson)
  46. Nebula Awards Showcase 2012 (2012) (James Patrick Kelly, John Kessel)
  47. Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 (2013) (Catherine Asaro)
  48. Nebula Awards Showcase 2014 (2014) (Kij Johnson)
  49. Nebula Awards Showcase 2015 (2015) (Greg Bear)
  50. Nebula Awards Showcase 2016 (2016) (Mercedes Lackey)
  51. Nebula Awards Showcase 2017 (2017) (Julie E. Czerneda)
  52. Nebula Awards Showcase 2018 (2018) (Jane Yolen)
  53. Nebula Awards Showcase 2019 (2019) (Silvia Moreno-Garcia)
  54. Nebula Awards Showcase 54 (2020) (Nibedita Sen)
  55. Nebula Awards Showcase 55 (2021) (Catherynne M. Valente)