Barrett reduction

In modular arithmetic, Barrett reduction is a reduction algorithm introduced in 1986 by P.D. Barrett.[1]

A naive way of computing

c = a mod n {\displaystyle c=a\,{\bmod {\,}}n\,}

would be to use a fast division algorithm. Barrett reduction is an algorithm designed to optimize this operation assuming n {\displaystyle n} is constant, and a < n 2 {\displaystyle a<n^{2}} , replacing divisions by multiplications.

Historically, for values a , b < n {\displaystyle a,b<n} , one computed a b mod n {\displaystyle ab\,{\bmod {\,}}n\,} by applying Barrett reduction to the full product a b {\displaystyle ab} . Recently, it was shown that the full product is unnecessary if we can perform precomputation on one of the operands.[2][3]

General idea

We call a function [ ] : R Z {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]:\mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {Z} } an integer approximation if | [ z ] z | 1 {\displaystyle |\left[z\right]-z|\leq 1} . For a modulus n {\displaystyle n} and an integer approximation [ ] {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]} , we define mod [ ] n : Z ( Z / n Z ) {\displaystyle {\text{mod}}^{\left[\,\right]}\,n:\mathbb {Z} \to (\mathbb {Z} /n\mathbb {Z} )} as

a mod [ ] n = a [ a / n ] n {\displaystyle a\,{\text{mod}}^{\left[\,\right]}\,n=a-\left[a/n\right]n} .

Common choices of [ ] {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]} are floor, ceiling, and rounding functions.

Generally, Barrett multiplication starts by specifying two integer approximations [ ] 0 , [ ] 1 {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]_{0},\left[\,\right]_{1}} and computes a reasonably close approximation of a b mod n {\displaystyle ab\,{\bmod {\,}}n} as

a b [ a [ b R n ] 0 R ] 1 n {\displaystyle ab-\left[{\frac {a\,\left[{\frac {bR}{n}}\right]_{0}}{R}}\right]_{1}n} ,

where R {\displaystyle R} is a fixed constant, typically a power of 2, chosen so that multiplication and division by R {\displaystyle R} can be performed efficiently.

The case b = 1 {\displaystyle b=1} was introduced by P.D. Barrett [1] for the floor-function case [ ] 0 = [ ] 1 = {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]_{0}=\left[\,\right]_{1}=\lfloor \,\rfloor } . The general case for b {\displaystyle b} can be found in NTL.[2] The integer approximation view and the correspondence between Montgomery multiplication and Barrett multiplication was discovered by Hanno Becker, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Bo-Yin Yang, and Shang-Yi Yang.[3]

Single-word Barrett reduction

Barrett initially considered an integer version of the above algorithm when the values fit into machine words. We illustrate the idea for the floor-function case with b = 1 {\displaystyle b=1} and R = 2 k {\displaystyle R=2^{k}} .

When calculating a mod n {\displaystyle a\,{\bmod {\,}}n} for unsigned integers, the obvious analog would be to use division by n {\displaystyle n} :

func reduce(a uint) uint {
    q:= a / n  // Division implicitly returns the floor of the result.
    return a - q * n

However, division can be expensive and, in cryptographic settings, might not be a constant-time instruction on some CPUs, subjecting the operation to a timing attack. Thus Barrett reduction approximates 1 / n {\displaystyle 1/n} with a value m / 2 k {\displaystyle m/2^{k}} because division by 2 k {\displaystyle 2^{k}} is just a right-shift, and so it is cheap.

In order to calculate the best value for m {\displaystyle m} given 2 k {\displaystyle 2^{k}} consider:

m 2 k = 1 n m = 2 k n {\displaystyle {\frac {m}{2^{k}}}={\frac {1}{n}}\;\Longleftrightarrow \;m={\frac {2^{k}}{n}}}

For m {\displaystyle m} to be an integer, we need to round 2 k / n {\displaystyle {2^{k}}/{n}} somehow. Rounding to the nearest integer will give the best approximation but can result in m / 2 k {\displaystyle m/2^{k}} being larger than 1 / n {\displaystyle 1/n} , which can cause underflows. Thus m = 2 k / n {\displaystyle m=\lfloor {2^{k}}/{n}\rfloor } is used for unsigned arithmetic.

Thus we can approximate the function above with the following:

func reduce(a uint) uint {
    q := (a * m) >> k // ">> k" denotes bitshift by k.
    return a - q * n

However, since m / 2 k 1 / n {\displaystyle m/2^{k}\leq 1/n} , the value of q in that function can end up being one too small, and thus a is only guaranteed to be within [ 0 , 2 n ) {\displaystyle [0,2n)} rather than [ 0 , n ) {\displaystyle [0,n)} as is generally required. A conditional subtraction will correct this:

func reduce(a uint) uint {
    q := (a * m) >> k
    a -= q * n
    if a >= n {
        a -= n
    return a

Single-word Barrett multiplication

Suppose b {\displaystyle b} is known. This allows us to precompute b R n {\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor } before we receive a {\displaystyle a} . Barrett multiplication computes a b {\displaystyle ab} , approximates the high part of a b {\displaystyle ab} with a b R n R n {\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor }{R}}\right\rfloor \,n} , and subtracts the approximation. Since a b R n R n {\displaystyle \left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor }{R}}\right\rfloor \,n} is a multiple of n {\displaystyle n} , the resulting value a b a b R n R n {\displaystyle ab-\left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor }{R}}\right\rfloor \,n} is a representative of a b mod n {\displaystyle ab\,{\bmod {\,}}n} .

Correspondence between Barrett and Montgomery multiplications

Recall that unsigned Montgomery multiplication computes a representative of a b mod n {\displaystyle ab\,{\bmod {\,}}n} as

a ( b R mod n ) + ( a ( b R mod n ) n 1 mod R ) n R {\displaystyle {\frac {a\left(bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)+\left(a\left(-bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)n^{-1}\,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)n}{R}}} .

In fact, this value is equal to a b a b R n R n {\displaystyle ab-\left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor }{R}}\right\rfloor \,n} .

We prove the claim as follows.

a b a b R n R n = a b a b R n ( a b R n mod R ) R n = ( a b R n a b R n + ( a b R n mod R ) ) n R = ( a b R n a b R ( b R mod n ) n + ( a b R n mod R ) ) n R = ( a ( b R mod n ) n + ( a b R n mod R ) ) n R = ( a ( b R mod n ) n + ( a ( b R mod n ) n 1 mod R ) ) n R = a ( b R mod n ) + ( a ( b R mod n ) n 1 mod R ) n R . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&&&ab-\left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor }{R}}\right\rfloor \,n\\&=&&ab-{\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor -\left(a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor \,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)}{R}}\,n\\&=&&\left({\frac {abR}{n}}-a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor +\left(a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor \,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)\right){\frac {n}{R}}\\&=&&\left({\frac {abR}{n}}-a{\frac {bR-\left(bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)}{n}}+\left(a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor \,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)\right){\frac {n}{R}}\\&=&&\left({\frac {a\left(bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)}{n}}+\left(a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor \,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)\right){\frac {n}{R}}\\&=&&\left({\frac {a\left(bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)}{n}}+\left(a\left(-bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)n^{-1}\,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)\right){\frac {n}{R}}\\&=&&{\frac {a\left(bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)+\left(a\left(-bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)n^{-1}\,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)n}{R}}.\end{aligned}}}

Generally, for integer approximations [ ] 0 , [ ] 1 {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]_{0},\left[\,\right]_{1}} , we have

a b [ a [ b R n ] 0 R ] 1 n = a ( b R mod [ ] 0 n ) + ( a ( b R mod [ ] 0 q ) n 1 mod [ ] 1 R ) n R {\displaystyle ab-\left[{\frac {a\,\left[{\frac {bR}{n}}\right]_{0}}{R}}\right]_{1}\,n={\frac {a\left(bR\,{\text{mod}}^{\left[\,\right]_{0}}\,n\right)+\left(a\left(-bR\,{\text{mod}}^{\left[\,\right]_{0}}\,q\right)n^{-1}\,{\text{mod}}^{\left[\,\right]_{1}}\,R\right)n}{R}}} .[3]

Range of Barrett multiplication

We bound the output with a b a b R n R n = a ( b R mod n ) + ( a ( b R mod n ) n 1 mod R ) n R a n + R n R = n ( 1 + a R ) {\displaystyle ab-\left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rfloor }{R}}\right\rfloor \,n={\frac {a\left(bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)+\left(a\left(-bR\,{\bmod {\,}}n\right)n^{-1}\,{\bmod {\,}}R\right)n}{R}}\leq {\frac {an+Rn}{R}}=n\left(1+{\frac {a}{R}}\right)} .

Similar bounds hold for other kinds of integer approximation functions. For example, if we choose [ ] 0 = [ ] 1 = {\displaystyle \left[\,\right]_{0}=\left[\,\right]_{1}=\left\lfloor \,\right\rceil } , the rounding half up function, then we have

| a b a b R n R n | = | a ( b R mod ± n ) + ( a ( b R mod ± n ) n 1 mod ± R ) n R | | a n 2 + R 2 n R | = n 2 ( 1 + | a | R ) . {\displaystyle \left|ab-\left\lfloor {\frac {a\left\lfloor {\frac {bR}{n}}\right\rceil }{R}}\right\rceil \,n\right|=\left|{\frac {a\left(bR\,{\text{mod}}^{\pm }\,n\right)+\left(a\left(-bR\,{\text{mod}}^{\pm }\,n\right)n^{-1}\,{\text{mod}}^{\pm }\,R\right)n}{R}}\right|\leq \left|{\frac {a{\frac {n}{2}}+{\frac {R}{2}}n}{R}}\right|={\frac {n}{2}}\left(1+{\frac {|a|}{R}}\right).}

Multi-word Barrett reduction

Barrett's primary motivation for considering reduction was the implementation of RSA, where the values in question will almost certainly exceed the size of a machine word. In this situation, Barrett provided an algorithm that approximates the single-word version above but for multi-word values. For details see section 14.3.3 of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography.[4]

Barrett algorithm for polynomials

It is also possible to use Barrett algorithm for polynomial division, by reversing polynomials and using X-adic arithmetic.[5]

See also

  • Montgomery reduction is another similar algorithm.


  1. ^ a b Barrett, P. (1986). "Implementing the Rivest Shamir and Adleman Public Key Encryption Algorithm on a Standard Digital Signal Processor". Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO' 86. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 263. pp. 311–323. doi:10.1007/3-540-47721-7_24. ISBN 978-3-540-18047-0.
  2. ^ a b Shoup, Victor. "Number Theory Library".
  3. ^ a b c Becker, Hanno; Hwang, Vincent; Kannwischer, Matthias J.; Yang, Bo-Yin; Yang, Shang-Yi, "Neon NTT: Faster Dilithium, Kyber, and Saber on Cortex-A72 and Apple M1", Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 2022 (1): 221–244
  4. ^ Menezes, Alfred; Oorschot, Paul; Vanstone, Scott (1997). Handbook of Applied Cryptography. ISBN 0-8493-8523-7.
  5. ^ "Barrett reduction for polynomials". Retrieved 2022-09-07.


  • Bosselaers, A.; Govaerts, R.; Vandewalle, J. (1993). "Comparison of Three Modular Reduction Functions". In Stinson, Douglas R. (ed.). Advances in Cryptology – Crypto'93. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 773. Springer. pp. 175–186. CiteSeerX ISBN 3540483292.
  • Hasenplaugh, W.; Gaubatz, G.; Gopal, V. (2007). "Fast Modular Reduction" (PDF). 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic(ARITH'07). pp. 225–229. doi:10.1109/ARITH.2007.18. ISBN 978-0-7695-2854-0. S2CID 14801112.